Valentine Ring

This article contains content from a time limited event: Valentine Seasonal Event
Valentine Ring
Valentine Ring
Type Seasonal, Valentine
Rarity Uncommon
Base level 5
Effects +0.7 health every sec
Set Effects 3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects
Cupid Tunic
Valentine Ring
Valentine Necklace
Description A golden ring featuring a candy-colored heart. The perfect gift to give to someone you like.
Sell value 8Ancient Coin


Base level 5
+0.7 health every sec
3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects
Cupid Tunic
Valentine Ring
Valentine Necklace
Max level 19
+3.5 health every sec
3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects
Cupid Tunic
Valentine Ring
Valentine Necklace



Item Amount Chance
Valentine's Gift 1 4.08%
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