Tin Anvil

Tin Anvil
Tin Anvil
Type Building, Functional building
Rarity Common
Description A better anvil for creating gear and weapons more suited for survival.
Sell value 9Ancient Coin



Crafting station Tin Workbench
Result Tin Anvil
Materials 8Tin Bar


Crafting Station

Result Materials
Bronze Helm 4Tin Bar 4Copper Bar 3Fiber
Bronze Breastplate 6Tin Bar 6Copper Bar 4Fiber
Bronze Pants 5Tin Bar 5Copper Bar 5Fiber
Tin Sword 7Tin Bar
Tin Axe 9Tin Bar
Tin Dagger 7Tin Bar
Slingshot 3Tin Bar 10Wood
Also includes all crafting recipes from Copper Anvil
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