Go-Kart Workbench

Go-Kart Workbench
Go-Kart Workbench
Type Building, Functional building
Rarity Common
Description A long crafting table to engineer fast vehicles for your travels.
Sell value 629Ancient Coin



Crafting station Galaxite Workbench
Result Go-Kart Workbench
Materials 70Coral Wood Plank
35Galaxite Bar
20Scarlet Bar


Crafting Station

Result Materials
Primitive Go-kart 40Tin Bar 40Copper Bar 15Mechanical Part
Renegade Go-kart 180Galaxite Bar 90Iron Bar 90Copper Bar 35Mechanical Part 15Strolly Poly Plate
Speeder Go-kart 180Galaxite Bar 90Scarlet Bar 90Copper Bar 35Mechanical Part 15Wool
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