Tin Workbench

Tin Workbench
Tin Workbench
Type Building, Functional building
Rarity Common
Description A better workbench to prepare you for the underground world.
Sell value 16Ancient Coin



Crafting station Copper Workbench
Result Tin Workbench
Materials 10Wood
6Copper Bar
10Tin Bar


Crafting Station

Result Materials
Tin Pickaxe 4Wood 3Tin Bar
Tin Shovel 4Wood 3Tin Bar
Tin Hoe 4Wood 3Tin Bar
Bug Net 8Wood 8Fiber
Explorer Backpack 5Tin Bar 10Fiber
Tin Fishing Rod 5Wood 4Tin Bar
Tin Anvil 8Tin Bar
Bait Workbench 8Wood 5Tin Bar
Alchemist's Table 8Wood 8Slime 5Tin Bar
Automation Table 5Copper Bar 8Tin Bar
Music Workbench 8Wood 5Fiber
Iron Workbench 10Wood 10Tin Bar 15Iron Bar
2Straw-bale Wall Wood Meadow Block
2Woven Straw Floor Wood Meadow Block
Loose Flooring Clay Block
Spike Trap Tin Bar
Loom 10Wood 4Fiber 4Wool
Also includes all crafting recipes from Basic Workbench Copper Workbench
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