Distillery Table

Distillery Table
Distillery Table
Type Building, Functional building
Rarity Uncommon
Description A workbench to produce more advanced potions.
Sell value 159Ancient Coin



Crafting station Scarlet Workbench
Result Distillery Table
Materials 25Plank
8Poison Slime
10Scarlet Bar


Crafting Station

Result Materials
Greater Healing Potion 3Poison Slime 5Heart Berry
Guardian's Potion 3Slippery Slime 3Puffungi Ancient Gemstone
Poison Aid Potion 10Poison Slime
Slime 10Ground Slime
Poison Slime 10Ground Poison Slime
Slippery Slime 10Ground Slippery Slime
Magma Slime 10Ground Magma Slime
Also includes all crafting recipes from Alchemist's Table
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