
Map Tool view of 4 Azeos' Wilderness scenes in adjacent world chunks, revealed using the CK Workshop mod with terrain generation suppressed.

These set piece structures are not procedurally generated like the rest of the world. Each scene appears at random, only once, unique unless otherwise specified below.

Each is spawned dynamically into empty world generation chunks (64 by 64 tile areas), when a player comes with about 30 tiles of an empty chunk. Or sometimes spawned adjacent to other features, like boss spawns, main dungeons and Ghorm's ring. Some scenes appear randomly flipped vertically and/or horizontally, compared to these depictions.

Scenes are listed, below, in sections by which biome they may first appear in. But some can also turn up in later biomes. The game's internal asset names are shown in brackets next to their informal titles. Key items in the scenes are listed, along with some trivia. Custom cropped map views have been overlaid on the screenshots, to help with recognition.

The Undergrounds[edit]

The Core (StartScene)
The Undergrounds centre.
The default spawn location, where all characters start, is identical in every new world. The Boss Statue effigies power up The Core and act like work benches after inserting (from left to right): Ghorm's Horn, Glurch Eye and Stolen Crystal Heart.
Mysterious Doll Set Shrine (ParsecPalsScene)
The Undergrounds, The Clay Caves
The chest contains Mysterious Doll Set. (Trivia: "Parsec Pals" is a reference to Yogscast Streamers Boba and Pedguin.)
Giant Mushroom Area (MushroomsArea)
The Undergrounds, The Clay Caves - 5 instances maximum.
Giant Mushroom increases your max health permanently by 25. They can also spawn separately.
Sand Ruins (SandRuins)
The Undergrounds
A chest buried in the middle contains an Ear Plate, Geode, Triangle Trinket, 5Gold Bar and 10Ancient Gemstone.

The Clay Caves[edit]

Colossal Cicada Husk (ColossCicadaScene)
The Clay Caves - Might fail to spawn in some worlds.
The dig spots surrounding this Colossal Cicada Husk yield random loot.
Giant Ammonite Fossil (LargeShellScene)
The Clay Caves, The Forgotten Ruins
Strike the fossil to sound a note and receive one Ammonite Necklace.

Forgotten Ruins[edit]

Amber Larva (AmberBoulderScene)
The Forgotten Ruins
Break the large chunk of amber to obtain an Amber Larva which can increase your max health permanently by 50, when eaten.
Small Maze (LabyrintScene1)
The Forgotten Ruins - 2 instances maximum.
The maze has an unbreakable walls. Its chest contains a Tin Sword.
Medium Maze (AncientMaze)
The Forgotten Ruins, Azeos' Wilderness
This maze has unbreakable walls with water and dirt blocks in gaps. The chest in the middle always contains a Clear Gemstone and an Ocarina.
Large Maze (StoneMaze)
The Forgotten Ruins - Might fail to spawn in some worlds.
This very large maze has a single correct route between unbreakable walls, with no shortcuts. It's populated with many Cavelings and Ancient Crate. The chest at the centre always contains: Broken Handle, Oracle_Card_"Aura", Caveling Figurine, Gold Crystal Necklace, 2Chipped Plate and 5Precious Urn.
Cloaked Merchant (CavelingMerchantRoom)
The Forgotten Ruins
The Cloaked Merchant is a NPC who naturally spawns in the stone biome. This means players can access their shop without needing a Mysterious Idol to summon them. Possibly preceding defeating Ghorm the Devourer.
Malugaz Boss Arena (CavelingThroneRoom)
The Forgotten Ruins
This throne room contains one Caveling throne and the sigil for summoning Malugaz the Corrupted. It always spawns at a distance of 350 tiles from The Core and its outer wall is unbreakable Obsidian Block.

Azeos' Wilderness[edit]

Chipped Blade Temple (WorshipMuralScene)
Azeos' Wilderness - 3 instances maximum.
The temple has unbreakable walls, and the door can only be opened by holding a Glow Tulip. Check the pedestals for a guaranteed Chipped Blade and Gold Crystal Necklace.
3 Wing Temple (TempleNature2)
Azeos' Wilderness - Unlimited number.
The temple has unbreakable walls, and the door can only be opened by holding a Glow Tulip. A Pedestal has a Broken Core Idol.
Chapel/Church Temple (TempleNature4)
Azeos' Wilderness - Unlimited number.
The temple has unbreakable walls, and the door can only be opened by holding a Glow Tulip. Check a pedestal for a guaranteed Oracle Card "Aura"
Caveling Grave (ChildCavelingsSceneGrave)
Azeos' Wilderness
Dig the grave spot for guaranteed Caveling Mother's Ring, Caveling Doll, and Small Caveling Skull.
Ancient Giant (AncientGiantScene)
Azeos' Wilderness
Interact with the skull for a guaranteed Ancient Guardian Necklace. (Trivia: the skeleton appears to be a reference to the "God Warriors" in 1984 anime movie Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.)
Old Rebreather (OldRebreatherScene)
Azeos' Wilderness
On the small dirt island, at the confluence of 3 small rivers, lies an Old Spore Mask. The sapling can be broken but drops no item. (Trivia: this scene appears to be a reference to 1984 anime movie Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind created by Studio Ghibli personnel.)
Fishing Merchant House (FishingMerchantScene)
Azeos' Wilderness
The Fishing Merchant is an NPC who spawns naturally in the Wilderness. So you can purchase items from them without having to use a Pile of chum to summon them. Scene includes one Fishing Net Rack.
Azeos Boss Spawn (BirdBossScene)
Azeos' Wilderness
Azeos the Sky Titan spawn location is always generated at a distance of 600 tiles from The Core. The floor is littered with bones, white splodges and many Ancient Feather.

Mold Sub-Biome[edit]

Main Mold Dungeon Temple (MoldDungeonMainTemple)
Azeos' Wilderness - pre-spawned at a distance of 750 tiles from the core, forming the centre of the Main Mold Dungeon.
Interact with the colossal Mold Cicada husk for a Poisonous Sickle. This scene contains 4Mold Well. There's a Mold Covered Chest at the top.

Sunken Sea[edit]

Conch Shell Island (ConchShellScene)
The Sunken Sea
Hit the giant shell to sound different notes and release a Conch Shell Necklace.
Ocean King Fossil (OCeanKIngFossilScene)
The Sunken Sea
The Seashell Chest contains a Spine Ring and a Giant Squid Eye.
Turtle Rock (TurtleRockScene)
The Sunken Sea
A digging spot gives a guaranteed Turtle Shell.
Fish Farm Island (FishFarm)
The Sunken Sea
Fishing themed island with pre-spawned fishing spots in the central pools and unique furniture: Driftwood Table, Driftwood Stool and Fishing Net Rack. The Seashell Chest contains rods from Wood Fishing Rod up to Scarlet Fishing Rod.
Coral Island (CoralIsland)
The Sunken Sea
A Seashell Chest buried in the middle contains coral themed loot, including a Coral Ring and a Coral Amulet.
Octarine Island (OctarineIsland)
The Sunken Sea
A unique island with lots of Octarine Ore and 3 Octarine Boulders.
Shipwreck (BeachedCavelingShip)
The Sunken Sea
An Ancient Chest in the hidden encampment contains an Oceanheart Necklace.
The Vault (ShrineMuralScene)
The Sunken Sea - pre-spawned at a fixed distance of 500 tiles from The Core.
Use the Admin Key to open this shrine's otherwise impenetrable mural door. At the far end is a glimmering Titan's Chest containing the Glyph Parchment - the last material to craft the Phantom Spark legendary Bow. Also, a Golden Whistle, Golden Caveling Mask, Caveling Perfume and a Caveling Medal.

Forlorn Metropolis[edit]

Main City Entrance (MainCityEntrance)
The Sunken Sea - up to 3, as part of some large Forlorn Metropolis.
One of two possible distinguishing southern entrance scenes of the main cities, which contain Broken Core scenes (see below).
City Harbor (CityHarbor)
The Sunken Sea - up to 3, as part of some large Forlorn Metropolis.
One of two possible distinguishing southern entrance scenes of the main cities, which contain Broken Core scenes (see below). This scene features a functional Vending Machine.
Broken Core 1 (BrokenCore1)
The Sunken Sea - pre-spawned 550 tiles from The Core, at the heart of the first large Forlorn Metropolis.
Interact with the Broken Core structure to retrieve the Shutdown Protocol. A glimmering Ancient Chest contains the Channeling Gemstone. Both are materials needed to craft the Phantom Spark.
Broken Core 2 (BrokenCore2)
The Sunken Sea - pre-spawned 650 tiles from The Core, at the heart of the second large Forlorn Metropolis.
Interact with the Broken Core structure to retrieve the Anomaly Report. A glimmering Ancient Chest contains the Fractured Limbs. Both are materials needed to craft the Phantom Spark.
Broken Core 3 (BrokenCore3)
The Sunken Sea - pre-spawned 750 tiles from The Core, at the heart of the third large Forlorn Metropolis.
Interact with the Broken Core structure to retrieve the Overwrite Transcript. A glimmering Ancient Chest contains the Energy String. Both are materials needed to craft the Phantom Spark.
City Hall (CityHall)
The Sunken Sea - unlimited number, as part of some Forlorn Metropolis.
A treasure room is hidden behind the Caveling throne. This is enclosed with unbreakable Obsidian Blocks, except for one block of stone in the back. The Titan's Chest contains a Golden Caveling Mask, Golden Whistle, Golden Needle and other items.
City Shop (CityShop)
The Sunken Sea - unlimited number, as part of some Forlorn Metropolis.
This small scene features a functional Vending Machine and 8Blue Glass Pedestal holding Playing Dice, Antique Board Game and food. An Ancient Chest hidden in the back contains random loot.
Remembrance Hall (RemembranceHall)
The Sunken Sea - unlimited number, but rare, as part of some Forlorn Metropolis.
This scene features a large mural with 4 pictures that fluoresce when a Glow Tulip is held close. The first of the 4Blue Glass Pedestals holds an Early Human Skull.
City Sewers (CitySewers)
The Sunken Sea - unlimited number, as part of some Forlorn Metropolis.
The Ancient Chest contains an Oracle Card "Wisdom" and additional random loot. The Mold Water included in this scene allows catching Mold Biome Fish, but still spawns Sea Tentacle.

The Desert of Beginnings[edit]

Crystal Meteor (CrystalMeteorScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - pre-spawned 1200 tiles from The Core.
Smaller crystal can be mined for Crystal Meteor Shard with 1001 mining damage or higher, used to craft Crystal Meteor Chunk.
Thread of Fate (BindingStringScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - 1 instance maximum.
There is a digging spot hidden beneath the furniture in the middle, which contains Thread of Fate. It is surrounded by turrets and maze walls, which can be mined with 1280 mining damage or higher. Alternatively 4 Dynamite Pack clumped together can blow up the wall (electricity required). This scene can be dynamically spawned anywhere in the Desert.
Mammoth Fossil (MammothFossilScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - 2 instances maximum.
Digging spots contain Prehistoric Crystal Spear, Crystal Spearhead, and Ring of Sand.
Ring of Sand (RingOfSandScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - 1 instance maximum.
A hidden digging spot in the middle contains Ring of Sand.
Frozen Flame (FrozenFlameScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - 1 instance maximum.
A digging spot contains Frozen Flame.
Galaxite Boulders (GalaxiteBoulderScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - 1 instance maximum.
Three Galaxite Ore Boulders clumped together.
White Whistle (WhiteWhistleScene)
The Desert of Beginnings - 1 instance maximum.
Contains Ancient Pickaxe in the pedestal, White Whistle in the digging spot and Ice Wind critter.
Hunting Rock Painting (HuntingSceneRock)
The Desert of Beginnings - 2 instances maximum.
Digging spots contain Bone Necklace, and Early Human Skull.
Prince Maze Dungeon (DesertMazeDungeonPrince)
The Desert of Beginnings - pre-spawned 500 tiles from The Core.
The sarcophagus at the center contains Ra-Akar Automaton.
Queen Maze Dungeon (DesertMazeDungeonQueen)
The Desert of Beginnings - pre-spawned 600 tiles from The Core.
The sarcophagus at the center contains Azeos Feather Fan.
King Maze Dungeon (DesertMazeDungeonKing)
The Desert of Beginnings - pre-spawned 700 tiles from The Core.
The sarcophagus at the center contains Omoroth Compass.
Titan Temple (TitanTemple)
The Desert of Beginnings - pre-spawned 650 tiles from The Core.
Filled with many breakable walls with hidden paths. 3 locked chests contain Godsent King equipment set: Godsent King Mask, Godsent King Breast Armor, and Godsent King Pants Armor. Requires key items from Maze Dungeons to open.

Molten Quarry[edit]

Ancient Forge (AncientForgeDungeon)
Molten Quarry - pre-spawned 600 tiles from The Core.
Required to craft Soul Seeker by using Cipher Parchment next to the forge.
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