Accessories are looted or crafted items that must be placed into the respective slots of a player's character for their buffs to take effect. Accessed at the top right, of the inventory interface. Unlike other gear, they do not have durability and can not be reinforced.
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects | Set effects |
Copper Cross Necklace | 2 | +4% critical hit chance | ||
Polished Copper Cross Necklace | 13 | +6% critical hit chance +18% critical hit damage |
Iron Chunk Necklace | 7 | +12 armor | ||
Polished Iron Chunk Necklace | 13 | +20 armor +38 max health |
Gold Crystal Necklace | 8 | +8% magic damage +8.3% minion damage |
Polished Gold Crystal Necklace | 13 | +19% magic damage +20.1% minion damage |
Octarine Necklace | 12 | +5.6% melee and range attack speed | ||
Polished Octarine Necklace | 13 | +7.5% melee and range attack speed +5.5% movement speed |
Scarlet Chunk Necklace | 11 | +19 armor | ||
Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace | 13 | +26 armor +9% dodge chance |
Coral Amulet | 11 | +11% boat speed | ||
Polished Coral Amulet | 13 | +17% boat speed +12% chance for higher rarity fish to bite |
Cave Guppy Necklace | 3 | +5% dodge chance | ||
Heart Berry Necklace | 5 | +0.7 health every sec | ||
Fang Necklace | 5 | +3% critical hit chance +2 life on melee hit |
Blob Rosary Necklace | 5 | +15 max health | 2 set: +13.1% physical range damage Blob Rosary Necklace Melting Crystal Ring | |
Ammonite Necklace | 8 | +22 max health +13 armor |
Grub Egg Necklace | 8 | +18.1% physical melee damage | 2 set: Immune to being slowed by slime Grub Egg Necklace Larva Ring | |
Neptune Necklace | 8 | +53 fishing | 3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage 5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish Diving Helm Kelp Mantle Scuba Fins Neptune Necklace Goldfish Ring | |
Bubble Pearl Necklace | 8 | +7 magic barrier +0.8 mana every sec +5.9% magic damage |
Skull Necklace | 9 | -26 max health +37.5% minion damage |
3 set: All nearby enemies burn for +45 damage every other sec Skull Necklace Skull Ring Blue Leather Tome | |
Crescent Necklace | 10 | +32 max mana | ||
Wildwarden Necklace | 10 | +5 armor +3% critical hit chance +4% critical hit chance for your pet |
2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped 5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects Wildwarden Mask Wildwarden Pauldrons Wildwarden Pants Wildwarden Necklace Wildwarden Ring | |
Rusted Necklace | 10 | +19% mining damage | ||
Ancient Guardian Necklace | 11 | +14% reduced damage taken from bosses | ||
Ancient Gem Necklace | 11 | +3.3% melee attack speed +3.3% mining speed |
2 set: +13% of mining damage added as melee damage Ancient Gem Ring Ancient Gem Necklace | |
Azeos Beak Necklace | 11 | +3 life on melee hit +41 mining damage |
Remedaisy Necklace | 11 | Immune to poison | ||
Mold Vein Necklace | 11 | +23.7% physical range damage | 2 set: Immune to mold infection Mold Ring Mold Vein Necklace | |
Torc Necklace | 12 | +16.3% damage | ||
Omoroth's Necklace | 13 | +7 armor +4% dodge chance +7.1% damage +10% mining damage +3.5% movement speed +4 blue glow |
Conch Shell Necklace | 13 | +25 max health +14 armor +6% dodge chance |
Oceanheart Necklace | 13 | +42 max health +21% more healing from health over time regeneration |
Bone Necklace | 13 | +10 armor +7% critical hit chance |
Ra-Akar's Necklace | 15 | +24 max health +11 armor +15 thorns damage |
3 set: Your thorns damage is added to your melee and range damage Ra-Akar's Necklace Scarab Visor Scarab Harness Scarab Legs | |
Nomad Necklace | 14 | +40 max health +28% critical hit damage |
2 set: +13% less food drained when running Nomad Necklace Nomad Ring | |
Black Necklace | 14 | +62 mining damage +4% mining speed |
3 set: +16% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall 5 set: +8% of mining damage added as melee damage Miner's Protective Helm Miner's Labour Suit Miner's Worker Pants Black Necklace Black Ring | |
Flame Necklace | 15 | +59 burn damage applied on hit | 2 set: +27% critical hit damage against burning targets Flame Necklace Flame Ring | |
Fusioned Chunk Necklace | 15 | +21 max health +11 armor +7 life on melee hit |
Pyrdra's Necklace | 16 | +18 max health +11 armor +18 burn damage applied on hit +15% damage against burning targets |
2 set: +20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% Druidra's Ring Crydra's Ring Pyrdra's Necklace | |
Atlantean Worm Necklace | 17 | +1.4 health every sec +17% damage against bosses |
Glass Bead Necklace | 17 | +75% critical hit damage +30% damage taken |
Tower Shell Necklace | 17 | +188 mining damage | ||
Soul Medallion | 17 | +1 max minion count +9% minion critical hit chance |
Valentine Necklace | 5 | +7% more healing from health over time regeneration | 3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects Cupid Tunic Valentine Ring Valentine Necklace | |
Eostre Necklace | 10 | +10.3% larger harvests +4.9% movement speed |
3 set: +7% melee and range attack speed Radical Rabbit Ears Radical Rabbit Headband Eostre Necklace Ostara Ring | |
Samhain Offering Necklace | 8 | +4 life on melee hit -4.5% damage |
2 set: +7% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage Samhain Offering Necklace Samhain Curse Ring |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects | Set effects |
Copper Cross Necklace | 19 | +17% critical hit chance | ||
Polished Copper Cross Necklace | 19 | +8% critical hit chance +25% critical hit damage |
Iron Chunk Necklace | 19 | +30 armor | ||
Polished Iron Chunk Necklace | 19 | +29 armor +55 max health |
Gold Crystal Necklace | 19 | +17.3% magic damage +18.1% minion damage |
Polished Gold Crystal Necklace | 19 | +26.9% magic damage +28.5% minion damage |
Octarine Necklace | 19 | +8.3% melee and range attack speed | ||
Polished Octarine Necklace | 19 | +10.5% melee and range attack speed +7.1% movement speed |
Scarlet Chunk Necklace | 19 | +31 armor | ||
Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace | 19 | +39 armor +12% dodge chance |
Coral Amulet | 19 | +19% boat speed | ||
Polished Coral Amulet | 19 | +24% boat speed +16% chance for higher rarity fish to bite |
Cave Guppy Necklace | 19 | +15% dodge chance | ||
Heart Berry Necklace | 19 | +3.5 health every sec | ||
Fang Necklace | 19 | +8% critical hit chance +9 life on melee hit |
Blob Rosary Necklace | 19 | +59 max health | 2 set: +13.1% physical range damage Blob Rosary Necklace Melting Crystal Ring | |
Ammonite Necklace | 19 | +52 max health +29 armor |
Grub Egg Necklace | 19 | +39.1% physical melee damage | 2 set: Immune to being slowed by slime Grub Egg Necklace Larva Ring | |
Neptune Necklace | 19 | +125 fishing | 3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage 5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish Diving Helm Kelp Mantle Scuba Fins Neptune Necklace Goldfish Ring | |
Bubble Pearl Necklace | 19 | +14 magic barrier +2 mana every sec +12.7% magic damage |
Skull Necklace | 19 | -54 max health +73.6% minion damage |
3 set: All nearby enemies burn for +45 damage every other sec Skull Necklace Skull Ring Blue Leather Tome | |
Crescent Necklace | 19 | +60 max mana | ||
Wildwarden Necklace | 19 | +10 armor +5% critical hit chance +6% critical hit chance for your pet |
2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped 5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects Wildwarden Mask Wildwarden Pauldrons Wildwarden Pants Wildwarden Necklace Wildwarden Ring | |
Rusted Necklace | 19 | +35% mining damage | ||
Ancient Guardian Necklace | 19 | +19% reduced damage taken from bosses | ||
Ancient Gem Necklace | 19 | +4.9% melee attack speed +4.9% mining speed |
2 set: +13% of mining damage added as melee damage Ancient Gem Ring Ancient Gem Necklace | |
Azeos Beak Necklace | 19 | +5 life on melee hit +107 mining damage |
Remedaisy Necklace | 19 | Immune to poison | ||
Mold Vein Necklace | 19 | +38.9% physical range damage | 2 set: Immune to mold infection Mold Ring Mold Vein Necklace | |
Torc Necklace | 19 | +24.9% damage | ||
Omoroth's Necklace | 19 | +11 armor +5% dodge chance +10% damage +14% mining damage +4.5% movement speed +4 blue glow |
Conch Shell Necklace | 19 | +37 max health +21 armor +8% dodge chance |
Oceanheart Necklace | 19 | +61 max health +29% more healing from health over time regeneration |
Bone Necklace | 19 | +15 armor +9% critical hit chance |
Ra-Akar's Necklace | 19 | +31 max health +14 armor +19 thorns damage |
3 set: Your thorns damage is added to your melee and range damage Ra-Akar's Necklace Scarab Visor Scarab Harness Scarab Legs | |
Nomad Necklace | 19 | +54 max health +35% critical hit damage |
2 set: +13% less food drained when running Nomad Necklace Nomad Ring | |
Black Necklace | 19 | +107 mining damage +5.1% mining speed |
3 set: +16% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall 5 set: +8% of mining damage added as melee damage Miner's Protective Helm Miner's Labour Suit Miner's Worker Pants Black Necklace Black Ring | |
Flame Necklace | 19 | +72 burn damage applied on hit | 2 set: +27% critical hit damage against burning targets Flame Necklace Flame Ring | |
Fusioned Chunk Necklace | 19 | +26 max health +14 armor +9 life on melee hit |
Pyrdra's Necklace | 19 | +22 max health +14 armor +21 burn damage applied on hit +17% damage against burning targets |
2 set: +20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% Druidra's Ring Crydra's Ring Pyrdra's Necklace | |
Atlantean Worm Necklace | 19 | +1.6 health every sec +19% damage against bosses |
Glass Bead Necklace | 19 | +82% critical hit damage +31.8% damage taken |
Tower Shell Necklace | 19 | +230 mining damage | ||
Soul Medallion | 19 | +1 max minion count +10% minion critical hit chance |
Valentine Necklace | 19 | +26% more healing from health over time regeneration | 3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects Cupid Tunic Valentine Ring Valentine Necklace | |
Eostre Necklace | 19 | +19.1% larger harvests +7.3% movement speed |
3 set: +7% melee and range attack speed Radical Rabbit Ears Radical Rabbit Headband Eostre Necklace Ostara Ring | |
Samhain Offering Necklace | 19 | +11 life on melee hit -9.9% damage |
2 set: +7% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage Samhain Offering Necklace Samhain Curse Ring |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects | Set effects |
Glow Tulip Ring | 5 | +3 blue glow +0.7 mana every sec |
Polished Glow Tulip Ring | 13 | +4 blue glow +7.8% magic damage +1.2 mana every sec |
Swift Ring | 6 | +6.9% movement speed | ||
Polished Swift Ring | 13 | +7.1% movement speed +3.6% melee attack speed |
Gold Crystal Ring | 7 | +17.3% physical range damage | ||
Polished Gold Crystal Ring | 13 | +19.9% physical range damage +3.9% range attack speed |
Magnetic Ring | 11 | +108% pickup radius | ||
Polished Magnetic Ring | 13 | +125% pickup radius +24% explosives damage |
Golden Spike Ring | 11 | +5% critical hit chance +11 thorns damage |
Polished Golden Spike Ring | 13 | +6% critical hit chance +22% critical hit damage +18 thorns damage |
Octarine Ring | 12 | +6% melee and range attack speed | ||
Polished Octarine Ring | 13 | +6.3% melee and range attack speed +7% mining speed |
Ring of Stone | 3 | +14 mining damage | 2 set: +49 mining damage Ring of Rock Ring of Stone | |
Melting Crystal Ring | 5 | +5% dodge chance | 2 set: +13.1% physical range damage Blob Rosary Necklace Melting Crystal Ring | |
Crescent Ring | 5 | +14 max mana | ||
Rusted Ring | 5 | +7 armor | ||
Clot Ring | 6 | +3 life on melee hit | ||
Larva Ring | 7 | +21 max health | 2 set: Immune to being slowed by slime Grub Egg Necklace Larva Ring | |
Hourglass Ring | 7 | +31% minion lifespan | ||
Boundary Ring | 7 | +20 magic barrier | ||
Ring of Rock | 8 | +13 armor | 2 set: +49 mining damage Ring of Rock Ring of Stone | |
Goldfish Ring | 8 | Fish (and other things) bite +13% faster | 3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage 5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish Diving Helm Kelp Mantle Scuba Fins Neptune Necklace Goldfish Ring | |
Skull Ring | 9 | -29 max health +8.8% melee and range attack speed |
3 set: All nearby enemies burn for +45 damage every other sec Skull Necklace Skull Ring Blue Leather Tome | |
Sea Foam Ring | 9 | +50 fishing | ||
Wooden Thorn Ring | 10 | +22 thorns damage | ||
Wildwarden Ring | 10 | +8.4% damage +5.3% damage dealt by your pet |
2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped 5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects Wildwarden Mask Wildwarden Pauldrons Wildwarden Pants Wildwarden Necklace Wildwarden Ring | |
Puppet Ring | 10 | +1 max minion count +24% minion attack speed |
Caveling Mother's Ring | 10 | +1.6 health every sec | ||
Petal Ring | 10 | +31 max health +22.7% larger harvests |
Ivy's Ring | 10 | +5.4% range attack speed | 2 set: +25% critical hit chance for a short duration after successfully applying poison Ivy's Thorn Harness Ivy's Pants Ivy's Ring | |
Wooden Ring | 10 | +29 max health | ||
Mold Ring | 11 | +10% critical hit chance | 2 set: Immune to mold infection Mold Ring Mold Vein Necklace | |
Topaz Ring | 11 | +23% mining damage | ||
White Glass Ring | 11 | +36 max health +10% dodge chance |
Sky Ring | 11 | +5% critical hit chance +13.5% physical melee damage |
Vicious Ring | 11 | +22.3% minion damage | ||
Lucky Ring | 12 | +7% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores +7% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing |
Ancient Guardian Ring | 12 | +18 max health +7% reduced damage taken from bosses |
Septum Ring | 12 | +19 armor | ||
Ancient Gem Ring | 13 | +17% critical hit damage +62 mining damage |
2 set: +13% of mining damage added as melee damage Ancient Gem Ring Ancient Gem Necklace | |
Omoroth's Ring | 13 | +13% damage against bosses +3 life on melee hit |
Morpha's Ring | 13 | +36% critical hit damage | 2 set: Immune to slippery movement 3 set: Melee attackers become slippery when attacking you Slime Helm Slime Armor Morpha's Ring | |
Spine Ring | 13 | +28% damage against bosses | ||
Coral Ring | 13 | +45 max health +6% boat speed |
Bone Ring | 13 | +10 armor +6% critical hit chance |
Noble Ring | 13 | +37 max health +20% more healing from health over time regeneration |
Double Ring | 14 | +5.5% damage +3.4% melee and range attack speed +3% critical hit chance +9% critical hit damage |
Nomad Ring | 14 | +46 max health +17.7% damage |
2 set: +13% less food drained when running Nomad Necklace Nomad Ring | |
Flame Ring | 14 | +5% dodge chance +27 burn damage applied on hit |
2 set: +27% critical hit damage against burning targets Flame Necklace Flame Ring | |
Black Ring | 15 | +8 armor +49 mining damage +2.5% mining speed |
3 set: +16% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall 5 set: +8% of mining damage added as melee damage Miner's Protective Helm Miner's Labour Suit Miner's Worker Pants Black Necklace Black Ring | |
Bomb Ring | 15 | +45 max health +27% explosives damage |
Ring of Sand | 15 | Any nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by 13.4% | ||
Glass Bead Ring | 16 | +30% damage +30% damage taken |
Druidra's Ring | 16 | +12% critical hit damage +6% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75% +15% damage against poisoned targets |
2 set: +20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% Druidra's Ring Crydra's Ring Pyrdra's Necklace | |
Crydra's Ring | 16 | +13% critical hit damage +10% reduced impact of slowed movement from slime +15% chance on hit to apply slippery movement |
2 set: +20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% Druidra's Ring Crydra's Ring Pyrdra's Necklace | |
Atlantean Worm Ring | 17 | +4 life on melee hit +17.2% physical melee damage |
Valentine Ring | 5 | +0.7 health every sec | 3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects Cupid Tunic Valentine Ring Valentine Necklace | |
Ostara Ring | 10 | +5% dodge chance +0.9 health every sec |
3 set: +7% melee and range attack speed Radical Rabbit Ears Radical Rabbit Headband Eostre Necklace Ostara Ring | |
Samhain Curse Ring | 8 | +6% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75% -3.8% damage |
2 set: +7% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage Samhain Offering Necklace Samhain Curse Ring |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects | Set effects |
Glow Tulip Ring | 19 | +8 blue glow +2.8 mana every sec |
Polished Glow Tulip Ring | 19 | +5 blue glow +11% magic damage +1.8 mana every sec |
Swift Ring | 19 | +13.3% movement speed | ||
Polished Swift Ring | 19 | +9.1% movement speed +4.8% melee attack speed |
Gold Crystal Ring | 19 | +41.6% physical range damage | ||
Polished Gold Crystal Ring | 19 | +28.1% physical range damage +5.2% range attack speed |
Magnetic Ring | 19 | +164% pickup radius | ||
Polished Magnetic Ring | 19 | +169% pickup radius +35% explosives damage |
Golden Spike Ring | 19 | +7% critical hit chance +19 thorns damage |
Polished Golden Spike Ring | 19 | +9% critical hit chance +29% critical hit damage +26 thorns damage |
Octarine Ring | 19 | +8.9% melee and range attack speed | ||
Polished Octarine Ring | 19 | +8.7% melee and range attack speed +9.4% mining speed |
Ring of Stone | 19 | +251 mining damage | 2 set: +49 mining damage Ring of Rock Ring of Stone | |
Melting Crystal Ring | 19 | +15% dodge chance | 2 set: +13.1% physical range damage Blob Rosary Necklace Melting Crystal Ring | |
Crescent Ring | 19 | +55 max mana | ||
Rusted Ring | 19 | +27 armor | ||
Clot Ring | 19 | +10 life on melee hit | ||
Larva Ring | 19 | +56 max health | 2 set: Immune to being slowed by slime Grub Egg Necklace Larva Ring | |
Hourglass Ring | 19 | +67% minion lifespan | ||
Boundary Ring | 19 | +46 magic barrier | ||
Ring of Rock | 19 | +31 armor | 2 set: +49 mining damage Ring of Rock Ring of Stone | |
Goldfish Ring | 19 | Fish (and other things) bite +24% faster | 3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage 5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish Diving Helm Kelp Mantle Scuba Fins Neptune Necklace Goldfish Ring | |
Skull Ring | 19 | -61 max health +16.5% melee and range attack speed |
3 set: All nearby enemies burn for +45 damage every other sec Skull Necklace Skull Ring Blue Leather Tome | |
Sea Foam Ring | 19 | +106 fishing | ||
Wooden Thorn Ring | 19 | +41 thorns damage | ||
Wildwarden Ring | 19 | +15% damage +10.2% damage dealt by your pet |
2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped 5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects Wildwarden Mask Wildwarden Pauldrons Wildwarden Pants Wildwarden Necklace Wildwarden Ring | |
Puppet Ring | 19 | +1 max minion count +45.6% minion attack speed |
Caveling Mother's Ring | 19 | +3.4 health every sec | ||
Petal Ring | 19 | +59 max health +42.2% larger harvests |
Ivy's Ring | 19 | +8.7% range attack speed | 2 set: +25% critical hit chance for a short duration after successfully applying poison Ivy's Thorn Harness Ivy's Pants Ivy's Ring | |
Wooden Ring | 19 | +55 max health | ||
Mold Ring | 19 | +15% critical hit chance | 2 set: Immune to mold infection Mold Ring Mold Vein Necklace | |
Topaz Ring | 19 | +39% mining damage | ||
White Glass Ring | 19 | +62 max health +15% dodge chance |
Sky Ring | 19 | +8% critical hit chance +22.2% physical melee damage |
Vicious Ring | 19 | +36.7% minion damage | ||
Lucky Ring | 19 | +10% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores +9% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing |
Ancient Guardian Ring | 19 | +28 max health +10% reduced damage taken from bosses |
Septum Ring | 19 | +30 armor | ||
Ancient Gem Ring | 19 | +23% critical hit damage +121 mining damage |
2 set: +13% of mining damage added as melee damage Ancient Gem Ring Ancient Gem Necklace | |
Omoroth's Ring | 19 | +19% damage against bosses +5 life on melee hit |
Morpha's Ring | 19 | +49% critical hit damage | 2 set: Immune to slippery movement 3 set: Melee attackers become slippery when attacking you Slime Helm Slime Armor Morpha's Ring | |
Spine Ring | 19 | +40% damage against bosses | ||
Coral Ring | 19 | +65 max health +9% boat speed |
Bone Ring | 19 | +16 armor +8% critical hit chance |
Noble Ring | 19 | +54 max health +29% more healing from health over time regeneration |
Double Ring | 19 | +7.2% damage +4.4% melee and range attack speed +4% critical hit chance +11% critical hit damage |
Nomad Ring | 19 | +63 max health +23.5% damage |
2 set: +13% less food drained when running Nomad Necklace Nomad Ring | |
Flame Ring | 19 | +7% dodge chance +35 burn damage applied on hit |
2 set: +27% critical hit damage against burning targets Flame Necklace Flame Ring | |
Black Ring | 19 | +9 armor +74 mining damage +3% mining speed |
3 set: +16% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall 5 set: +8% of mining damage added as melee damage Miner's Protective Helm Miner's Labour Suit Miner's Worker Pants Black Necklace Black Ring | |
Bomb Ring | 19 | +57 max health +34% explosives damage |
Ring of Sand | 19 | Any nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by 16.7% | ||
Glass Bead Ring | 19 | +35.1% damage +33.8% damage taken |
Druidra's Ring | 19 | +14% critical hit damage +7% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75% +17% damage against poisoned targets |
2 set: +20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% Druidra's Ring Crydra's Ring Pyrdra's Necklace | |
Crydra's Ring | 19 | +15% critical hit damage +10% reduced impact of slowed movement from slime +17% chance on hit to apply slippery movement |
2 set: +20% chance on ranged hit to increase melee damage by 30% Druidra's Ring Crydra's Ring Pyrdra's Necklace | |
Atlantean Worm Ring | 19 | +5 life on melee hit +19.1% physical melee damage |
Valentine Ring | 19 | +3.5 health every sec | 3 set: +100% longer duration of applied charm effects Cupid Tunic Valentine Ring Valentine Necklace | |
Ostara Ring | 19 | +8% dodge chance +1.8 health every sec |
3 set: +7% melee and range attack speed Radical Rabbit Ears Radical Rabbit Headband Eostre Necklace Ostara Ring | |
Samhain Curse Ring | 19 | +12% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75% -8.4% damage |
2 set: +7% chance to restore a bit of health instead of dying when taking lethal damage Samhain Offering Necklace Samhain Curse Ring |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects |
Belt Pocket | 2 | +5 inventory slots +6 max health | |
Cave Pouch | 2 | +5 inventory slots +5 max health +2% movement speed | |
Explorer Backpack | 5 | +10 inventory slots +4.3% movement speed | |
Ghorm's Stomach Bag | 8 | +12 inventory slots +30 max health | |
Scarlet Shell Backpack | 10 | +15 inventory slots +15 max health +14 armor | |
Octarine Bag | 12 | +20 inventory slots +13 magic barrier +3 blue glow | |
Morpha's Bubble Bag | 12 | +20 inventory slots +4.7% movement speed +12% mining damage | |
Scholar Satchel | 16 | +20 inventory slots +25 max mana +15.4% magic damage |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects |
Belt Pocket | 19 | +5 inventory slots +55 max health | |
Cave Pouch | 19 | +5 inventory slots +43 max health +5.5% movement speed | |
Explorer Backpack | 19 | +10 inventory slots +8.9% movement speed | |
Ghorm's Stomach Bag | 19 | +12 inventory slots +71 max health | |
Scarlet Shell Backpack | 19 | +15 inventory slots +29 max health +26 armor | |
Octarine Bag | 19 | +20 inventory slots +20 magic barrier +5 blue glow | |
Morpha's Bubble Bag | 19 | +20 inventory slots +6.3% movement speed +19% mining damage | |
Scholar Satchel | 19 | +20 inventory slots +29 max mana +18% magic damage |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects | Set effects |
Small Lantern | 2 | +3 glow | ||
Lantern | 6 | +4 glow +9 max health |
Orb Lantern | 9 | +5 glow +9% mining damage |
Pearl Lantern | 12 | +5 blue glow +7% movement speed +1.3 mana every sec |
Soul Lantern | 12 | +6 blue glow +32.1% minion attack speed |
Wooden Shield | 2 | +6 armor Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Iron Shield | 7 | +14 max health +12 armor Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Toxic Defender | 10 | +17 armor +24% chance to apply poison when blocking melee hits, reduces enemy healing received by 75% Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Octarine Shield | 12 | +18 max health +10 armor +3.1% melee and range attack speed Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Sentry Shield | 13 | +19 max health +22 armor +30% chance on block to release energy shockwaves dealing damage equal to what was blocked Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Scorching Aegis | 16 | +23 max health +25 armor Deals 48 damage to all nearby enemies when blocking with the shield Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
3 set: Immune to burning Magma Horn Armor Magma Torso Armor Magma Shin Armor Scorching Aegis | |
Hydra Bone Shield | 16 | +23 max health +26 armor Gain +5 health every sec while below half max health Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Swift Feather | 4 | +2% dodge chance Off-hand use: Dash forward at 200% movement speed |
Azeos' Dash Feather | 10 | +4.6% movement speed Off-hand use: Dash forward at 260% movement speed |
Rift Lens | 8 | +8% magic damage Off-hand use: Teleport a short distance. |
Blue Leather Tome | 9 | +9.6% magic damage +1.2 mana every sec |
3 set: All nearby enemies burn for +45 damage every other sec Skull Necklace Skull Ring Blue Leather Tome | |
Royal Gel | 9 | Any nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by 15.3% | 2 set: You are the king of slimes King Slime Crown Royal Gel | |
Golden Jellyfish | 12 | +1.9 health every sec | ||
Caveling ID | 12 | +8% dodge chance | ||
Turtle Shell | 13 | +32 armor +7% reduced damage taken from bosses |
Concealed Blade | 13 | +9% critical hit chance | ||
Moonstone | 14 | +22 max mana +58% of damage taken is absorbed by your mana pool |
Omoroth's Beak | 14 | +29.1% physical melee damage | ||
Smithing Glove | 15 | +11 armor +19% damage against burning targets |
Crystal Meteor Chunk | 15 | +3 blue glow -22.9% armor +22.9% damage dealt by you and all nearby allies |
Oracle Deck | 15 | +48 max health +4.2 health every sec to you and all nearby allies |
Pet Rock | 16 | +14% effectiveness of your pets talent effects | ||
Core Iris | 16 | +62 mining damage +10 tiles visible ore distance +10% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores |
Hydra Tooth | 16 | +4% chance on hit to deal triple amount of damage +24.6% physical range damage |
Trinity Heart | 17 | +15% health +20 armor +2% health every sec +20% armor while at low health |
Pumpkin Lantern | 7 | +4 glow +0.5 health every sec |
Rarity | Name | Lvl | Effects | Set effects |
Small Lantern | 19 | +8 glow | ||
Lantern | 19 | +8 glow +28 max health |
Orb Lantern | 19 | +8 glow +19% mining damage |
Pearl Lantern | 19 | +8 blue glow +9.5% movement speed +2 mana every sec |
Soul Lantern | 19 | +8 blue glow +50.9% minion attack speed |
Wooden Shield | 19 | +42 armor Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Iron Shield | 19 | +37 max health +30 armor Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Toxic Defender | 19 | +32 armor +41% chance to apply poison when blocking melee hits, reduces enemy healing received by 75% Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Octarine Shield | 19 | +29 max health +16 armor +4.7% melee and range attack speed Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Sentry Shield | 19 | +27 max health +33 armor +42% chance on block to release energy shockwaves dealing damage equal to what was blocked Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Scorching Aegis | 19 | +28 max health +30 armor Deals 56 damage to all nearby enemies when blocking with the shield Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
3 set: Immune to burning Magma Horn Armor Magma Torso Armor Magma Shin Armor Scorching Aegis | |
Hydra Bone Shield | 19 | +28 max health +31 armor Gain +5.9 health every sec while below half max health Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70% |
Swift Feather | 19 | +5% dodge chance Off-hand use: Dash forward at 200% movement speed |
Azeos' Dash Feather | 19 | +6.9% movement speed Off-hand use: Dash forward at 260% movement speed |
Rift Lens | 19 | +17.5% magic damage Off-hand use: Teleport a short distance. |
Blue Leather Tome | 19 | +18.9% magic damage +2.6 mana every sec |
3 set: All nearby enemies burn for +45 damage every other sec Skull Necklace Skull Ring Blue Leather Tome | |
Royal Gel | 19 | Any nearby enemies movement speed is reduced by 30% | 2 set: You are the king of slimes King Slime Crown Royal Gel | |
Golden Jellyfish | 19 | +3.3 health every sec | ||
Caveling ID | 19 | +11% dodge chance | ||
Turtle Shell | 19 | +48 armor +9% reduced damage taken from bosses |
Concealed Blade | 19 | +12% critical hit chance | ||
Moonstone | 19 | +30 max mana +78% of damage taken is absorbed by your mana pool |
Omoroth's Beak | 19 | +38.5% physical melee damage | ||
Smithing Glove | 19 | +14 armor +23% damage against burning targets |
Crystal Meteor Chunk | 19 | +3 blue glow -29% armor +28.6% damage dealt by you and all nearby allies |
Oracle Deck | 19 | +60 max health +5.5 health every sec to you and all nearby allies |
Pet Rock | 19 | +18% effectiveness of your pets talent effects | ||
Core Iris | 19 | +84 mining damage +12 tiles visible ore distance +11% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores |
Hydra Tooth | 19 | +5% chance on hit to deal triple amount of damage +28.8% physical range damage |
Trinity Heart | 19 | +15% health +23 armor +2.2% health every sec +22.4% armor while at low health |
Pumpkin Lantern | 19 | +8 glow +1.7 health every sec |
Rarity | Name | Effects |
Spicy Bait | Fish (and other things) bite +9% faster | |
Sweet Bait | +10% chance to get a fish on the hook | |
Glowing Bait | +10% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing | |
Sticky Bait | +11% chance to get double fish when catching a fish | |
Green Bait | Fish (and other things) bite +7% faster +7% chance to get a fish on the hook | |
Red Bait | Fish (and other things) bite +8% faster +8% chance to get double fish when catching a fish | |
Purple Bait | +21% chance for higher rarity fish to bite | |
Expert Lure |