Jungle Emerald

Jungle Emerald
Jungle Emerald
Type Material, Raw material
Rarity Epic
Description A verdant gemstone rarely found in crystalized lush regions. Its special properties allow it to be used for higher quality crafting.
Sell value 15Ancient Coin

The Jungle Emerald is an epic material used to upgrade items from level 15 to 16.



Scene Container
RadiationCrystalMaze2 Solarite Chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Core Commander Random loot 1-2 6 13.17% 57.13%
Sun Crystal Random loot 1 1 1.1% 1.1%
Druidra the Wild Titan Loot 2 1 100% 100%
Large Alien Tech Destructible Random loot 1 2-3 3.29% 8.02%
Large Sun Crystal Random loot 1 2-3 4.2% 10.16%
Mimite Random loot 1 1 1.05% 1.05%
Urschleim Random loot 1 5 9.39% 38.92%


Crafting material

Crafting station Result Materials
Hydra Altar Wind Organ of Wilderness 20Gleam Wood Plank 15Solarite Bar Jungle Emerald

Upgrade material

Level Materials
16 28Solarite Bar 365Ancient Coin
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