Giant Mushroom

Giant Mushroom
Giant Mushroom
Type Consumable, Ingredient
Rarity Rare
Effects When eaten:
+15 food
Permanent when eaten:
+25 max health (only once)
Can be cooked Yes
Description The king of all mushrooms, growing in perfect conditions made it unusually large.
Sell value 12Ancient Coin

Giant Mushrooms are a consumable and cooking ingredient that will give a player +25 permanent max health. This specific effect can only be applied once to each character.


Individually spawned Giant Mushroom in The Clay Caves

Individual Giant Mushrooms are spawned randomly in The Undergrounds and The Clay Caves biomes during map generation, with a probability of 1 in 3300 per ground tile. They will be surrounded by a few randomly placed regular mushrooms.

The best method for farming them is to create new worlds to quickly raid The Undergrounds using a Grubzooka. Expect 1 to 3 in an entire biome and perhaps 2-5 per world, possibly including their set piece scene.


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Shrooman Brute Random loot 1 2 2.53% 5%
Shrooman Random loot 1 1 0.21% 0.21%


Cooking ingredient


+31 food
+25 max health (only once)
+24 max health for 10 min


+39 food
+25 max health (only once)
+30 max health for 10 min


+46 food
+25 max health (only once)
+36 max health for 10 min

Version history[edit]

  • 0.4.7 - Added a new version of the Giant Mushroom that applies the permanent health effect only once. The old version of this item can still stack health and remains in the game but can no longer be acquired.
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