The Clay Caves

The Clay Caves

The Clay Caves biome surrounds one half of the central starting area, The Undergrounds, and is usually the next stop for underground explorers.

You may still encounter Slimes. But Clay Moss ground covering also attracts a couple of spear wielding cavelings. While Chrysalis brings Larva, Big Larva and Cocoons. These mobs can be very dangerous en-masse. They also hate artificial light and will often prioritise dispatching Torches over attacking players. Be warned that they may even follow a trail of torches back to your base!

Tin Ore is a key resource, here, for progressing up the Crafting tree, with stronger equipment that will make the starting area much easier.

Various unique scenes are found here, in amongst more dangerous Hive Dungeon Sub-biomes, where the Hive Mother can be found. While Ghorm's track cuts through the inner part of the clay biome and its stone counterpart.


Larva Hive sub-biome[edit]


Larva Hive sub-biome[edit]



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