Stone Block

(Redirected from Stone Ground)
Stone Block
Stone Block
Type Environment, Block
Rarity Common
Description A sturdy piece of stone.
Sell value 0Ancient Coin

Stone Block is a common block in Core Keeper that is primarily found in The Forgotten Ruins.

When a block is placed on top of a ground, it will turn into a wall, which requires a pickaxe or other mining tool to break. Otherwise, a block can also be placed in an empty ground, turning it into a filled ground, which requires a shovel to break.


Health 300
Mining damage reduction 55
Mining exp. gain threshold 67+ mining damage




Item Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
1 roll
Nothing 99.7% 99.7%
Ring of Rock 0.3% 0.3%


Crafting material

Crafting station Result Materials
Carpenter's Table Decorative Torch Wood Stone Block
Carpenter's Table Decorative Pot 6Clay Block 2Stone Block
Easter Workbench Easter Pillar 12Stone Block
Easter Workbench Easter Meadow Stool 3Grass Block 3Stone Block
Easter Workbench Easter Meadow Table 6Grass Block 6Stone Block
Easter Workbench Easter Pedestal 6Stone Block
Iron Workbench 2Stone Bricks Wall 2Stone Block
Iron Workbench 2Stone Floor Stone Block
Iron Workbench 2Stone Bridge Stone Block
Iron Workbench 2Stone Fence 2Stone Block
Iron Workbench Stone Fence Gate 2Stone Block Iron Bar
Iron Workbench Stone Door 4Stone Block
Rift Statue Grimy Stone Floor Stone Block Calcified Shell
Rift Statue Grimy Stone Pillar 10Stone Block Calcified Shell Cytoplasm
Rift Statue Stone Lantern 5Stone Block Calcified Shell Calcified Shell
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