Bearded Merchant

Bearded Merchant
Bearded Merchant
Aggressive No
Faction Merchant
Health 100,000
Pre-spawned Yes
Summon item Slime Oil

The Slime Merchant NPC is initially trapped within Glurch the Abominous Mass. They are released upon defeating the boss. Slime Oil is a guaranteed drop from Glurch. It can be used to lure the Merchant towards you, by holding it in a hot-bar slot. Or place the Slime Oil on the floor of a suitable room to summon the merchant there while it is off-screen.


Icon Name Stock Price Requirement
Curious Egg Curious Egg 3 375Ancient Coin None
Scrap Parts Scrap Parts 500 5Ancient Coin None
Fiber Fiber 10 8Ancient Coin None
Copper Ore Copper Ore 10 8Ancient Coin None
Tin Ore Tin Ore 10 15Ancient Coin LarvaBossStatueActivated
Iron Ore Iron Ore 10 30Ancient Coin HiveBossStatueActivated
Gold Ore Gold Ore 5 55Ancient Coin HiveBossStatueActivated
Larva Meat Larva Meat 10 10Ancient Coin LarvaBossStatueActivated
Shiny Larva Meat Shiny Larva Meat 2 50Ancient Coin CoreActivated


Item Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
1 roll
Nothing 11.75% 11.75%
Stone Moss 3.74% 3.74%
Copper Ore 10.68% 10.68%
Scrap Parts 10.68% 10.68%
Fiber 10.68% 10.68%
Iron Ore 5.34% 5.34%
Caveling Bread 5.34% 5.34%
Ancient Gemstone 5.34% 5.34%
Mechanical Part 5.34% 5.34%
Tin Pickaxe 1.6% 1.6%
Ear Plate 0.53% 0.53%
Caveling Hood 2.14% 2.14%
Caveling Chest 1.07% 1.07%
Caveling Pants 1.07% 1.07%
Cave Pouch 0.8% 0.8%
Flintlock Musket 0.27% 0.27%
Crystal Skull Shard 21.36% 21.36%
Caveling Figurine 0.16% 0.16%
Iron Key 1.07% 1.07%
Hourglass Ring 1.07% 1.07%
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