Caveling Scholar

Caveling Scholar
Caveling Scholar
Locations Forlorn Metropolis
Aggressive Yes
Faction Sea caveling
Health 1,390
Spawn tile Urban Moss

Caveling Scholar is an enemy mob found in Forlorn Metropolis sub-biome dungeons in The Sunken Sea. They respawn periodically on Urban Moss.

The Phantom Spark legendary bow has a chance to spawn short lived friendly ghost versions of this mob on kills.


They fire a Scholar's Staff at range and will melee at close range, too. They also apply a beam to heal other Scholars and Core Sentry.


Type Damage
Melee 161
Range 215


Item Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
1 roll
Nothing 29.66% 29.66%
Urban Moss 4.51% 4.51%
Octarine Ore 12.89% 12.89%
Coral Wood 12.89% 12.89%
Scarlet Ore 6.45% 6.45%
Caveling Bread 6.45% 6.45%
Ancient Gemstone 6.45% 6.45%
Mechanical Part 6.45% 6.45%
Caveling Cup 0.64% 0.64%
Bent Fork 0.64% 0.64%
Scholar's Staff 1.93% 1.93%
Scholar's Hood 1.93% 1.93%
Scholar's Cloak 1.93% 1.93%
Septum Ring 0.52% 0.52%
Caveling Scholar Figurine 0.52% 0.52%
Oracle Card "Inspiration" 0.32% 0.32%
Sorcerer Robe 1.93% 1.93%
Sorcerer Hood 1.93% 1.93%
Sorcerer Pants 1.93% 1.93%
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