Witch Doctor Jeans

Witch Doctor Jeans
Witch Doctor Jeans
Type Equipment, Pants armor
Rarity Uncommon
Base level 3
Effects +9 max health
+3 armor
+9% minion lifespan
Set Effects 3 set: +31.5% minion attack speed
Witch Doctor Hat
Witch Doctor Vest
Witch Doctor Jeans
Durability 95
Description A pair of jeans with a golden chain strapped on.
Sell value 16Ancient Coin

Witch Doctor Jeans is a pants armor in Core Keeper.


Base level 3
+9 max health
+3 armor
+9% minion lifespan
3 set: +31.5% minion attack speed
Witch Doctor Hat
Witch Doctor Vest
Witch Doctor Jeans
Max level 19
+60 max health
+16 armor
+31% minion lifespan
3 set: +31.5% minion attack speed
Witch Doctor Hat
Witch Doctor Vest
Witch Doctor Jeans



Scene Container
SmallIslands Chest
AbandonedCampScene Chest
ClayHiddenChest Chest
TurfHiddenChest Chest

Locked chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Clay Pot Random loot 1 1 2.94% 2.94%
Wooden Crate Random loot 1 1-2 0.56% 0.83%
Shrooman Brute Random loot 1 2 1.59% 3.16%
Shrooman Random loot 1 1 1.07% 1.07%
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