Cosmos Legwear

Cosmos Legwear
Cosmos Legwear
Type Equipment, Pants armor
Rarity Rare
Base level 16
Effects +49 max health
+28 armor
+10.1% damage
+63 mining damage
Set Effects 2 set: Immune to burning
Cosmos Visor Helm
Cosmos Torso
Cosmos Legwear
Durability 95
Description Heavy pants that are less suited for quick movements and more for safely treading on foreign planets.
Sell value 380Ancient Coin

Cosmos Legwear is a pants armor in Core Keeper.


Base level 16
+49 max health
+28 armor
+10.1% damage
+63 mining damage
2 set: Immune to burning
Cosmos Visor Helm
Cosmos Torso
Cosmos Legwear
Max level 19
+58 max health
+34 armor
+11.8% damage
+85 mining damage
2 set: Immune to burning
Cosmos Visor Helm
Cosmos Torso
Cosmos Legwear



Scene Container
MelodyMuralSceneDesert Golden Ancient Chest
MelodyMuralSceneDesert2 Golden Ancient Chest
AlienRingRoom3 Alien Tech Chest

Locked chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Large Alien Tech Destructible Random loot 1 2-3 1.64% 4.06%

Ancient Battle Arena

Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Random loot 1 4 1.61% 4.76%
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