Polished Coral Amulet

Polished Coral Amulet
Polished Coral Amulet
Type Equipment, Necklace
Rarity Epic
Base level 13
Effects +17% boat speed
+12% chance for higher rarity fish to bite
Description A necklace made with a pretty coral badge and white pebbles.
Sell value 15Ancient Coin

Polished Coral Amulet is a necklace accessory in Core Keeper.


Base level 13

+17% boat speed
+12% chance for higher rarity fish to bite

Max level 19

+24% boat speed
+16% chance for higher rarity fish to bite



Crafting station Proficient Jewelry Workbench
Result Coral Amulet
Polished Polished Coral Amulet
Materials 80Coral Wood
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