Green Bikini Top

Green Bikini Top
Green Bikini Top
Type Equipment, Breast armor
Rarity Common
Base level 10
Effects +30 max health
+7% movement speed
Durability 100
Description A green swim suit piece that keeps everything in its place. Everyone knows the most revealing armor is the most protective.
Sell value 29Ancient Coin

Green Bikini Top is an armor in Core Keeper.


Base level 10

+30 max health
+7% movement speed

Max level 19

+57 max health
+10.5% movement speed



Scene Container
MelodyMuralSceneNature Ancient Chest
MelodyMuralSceneNature2 Mold Covered Chest
SMSeaCampIsland2 Seashell Chest
SMSurfaceCoralIsland Seashell Chest
SMSeaCampIsland1 Seashell Chest
SMSeaOasis Seashell Chest
MelodyMuralSceneSea Seashell Chest
SMSeaCampIsland4 Seashell Chest

Locked chest

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