
Type Equipment, Melee weapon
Rarity Legendary
Base level 19
84-102 physical damage (melee)
5 attacks per second
Effects +1000 mining damage
+15% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall
When targeting an enemy the lightning will chain to 3 other nearby enemies
Description Augmented by a mysterious energy, this weapon unleashes chaining arcs of lightning upon your foes. Holding it sends a tingling sensation through your arms.
Sell value 0Ancient Coin

Stormbringer is a melee weapon in Core Keeper. Unlike most weapons, it has no durability and cannot break. However, it also means that it cannot be reinforced for increased stats.


Base level 19
84-102 physical damage (melee)
5 attacks per second
+1000 mining damage
+15% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall
When targeting an enemy the lightning will chain to 3 other nearby enemies
Max level 19
84-102 physical damage (melee)
5 attacks per second
+1000 mining damage
+15% movement speed boost for a short duration after mining a wall
When targeting an enemy the lightning will chain to 3 other nearby enemies
Max upgrade cost



Crafting station Rift Statue
Result Stormbringer
Materials 100Pandorium Bar
100Solarite Bar
Obliteration Ray
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