Void Gun

Void Gun
Void Gun
Type Equipment, Range weapon
Rarity Epic
Base level 17
255-311 physical damage (range)
1 attacks per second
Effects Projectiles pierces through enemies
Durability 225
Description A particle weapon with unknown inner workings. It emits balls of void that distort spacetime to inflict high damage.
Sell value 340Ancient Coin

Void Gun is a ranged weapon in Core Keeper.


Base level 17
255-311 physical damage (range)
1 attacks per second
Projectiles pierces through enemies
Max level 19
283-345 physical damage (range)
1 attacks per second
Projectiles pierces through enemies



Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Core Commander Random loot - one guaranteed drop 1 1 20% 20%
Core Commander Random loot 1 6 3.95% 21.48%
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