Solarite Sword

Solarite Sword
Solarite Sword
Type Equipment, Melee weapon
Rarity Rare
Base level 16
252-308 physical damage (melee)
2.5 attacks per second
Effects +7% critical hit chance
+4.5% melee attack speed
Durability 350
Description A superior weapon for obliterating foes.
Sell value 278Ancient Coin

Solarite Sword is a melee weapon in Core Keeper.


Base level 16
252-308 physical damage (melee)
2.5 attacks per second
+7% critical hit chance
+4.5% melee attack speed
Max level 19
297-361 physical damage (melee)
2.5 attacks per second
+8% critical hit chance
+5.1% melee attack speed



Crafting station Solarite Anvil
Result Solarite Sword
Materials 24Solarite Bar


Scene Container
MelodyMuralSceneDesert Golden Ancient Chest
MelodyMuralSceneDesert2 Golden Ancient Chest

Locked chest

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