Topaz Ring

Topaz Ring
Topaz Ring
Type Equipment, Ring
Rarity Uncommon
Base level 11
Effects +23% mining damage
Description A precious little ring with a yellow gemstone on top.
Sell value 60Ancient Coin

Topaz Ring is a ring accessory in Core Keeper.


Base level 11

+23% mining damage

Max level 19

+39% mining damage



Scene Container
MelodyMuralSceneNature Ancient Chest
MelodyMuralSceneNature2 Mold Covered Chest
SMSeaCampIsland2 Seashell Chest
SMSurfaceCoralIsland Seashell Chest
SMSeaCampIsland1 Seashell Chest
SMSeaOasis Seashell Chest
MelodyMuralSceneSea Seashell Chest
SMSeaCampIsland4 Seashell Chest

Locked chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Bubble Crab Random loot 1 1 0.68% 0.68%
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