Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace

Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace
Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace
Type Equipment, Necklace
Rarity Epic
Base level 13
Effects +26 armor
+9% dodge chance
Description The scarlet variant of an iron chunk necklace. It raises your defense even more and gives additional benefits.
Sell value 411Ancient Coin

Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace is a necklace accessory in Core Keeper.


Base level 13

+26 armor
+9% dodge chance

Max level 19

+39 armor
+12% dodge chance



Crafting station Proficient Jewelry Workbench
Result Scarlet Chunk Necklace
Polished Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace
Materials 35Scarlet Bar
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