Neptune Necklace

Neptune Necklace
Neptune Necklace
Type Equipment, Necklace
Rarity Rare
Base level 8
Effects +53 fishing
Set Effects 3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage
5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish
Diving Helm
Kelp Mantle
Scuba Fins
Neptune Necklace
Goldfish Ring
Description A true trinket of the sea, made from kelp and a trident pendant. Mistaking you for a mythic sea ruler, fish come to you more often.
Sell value 63Ancient Coin

Neptune Necklace is a necklace accessory in Core Keeper.


Base level 8
+53 fishing
3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage
5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish
Diving Helm
Kelp Mantle
Scuba Fins
Neptune Necklace
Goldfish Ring
Max level 19
+125 fishing
3 set: +24% of fishing added as range damage
5 set: +29% chance to get double fish when catching a fish
Diving Helm
Kelp Mantle
Scuba Fins
Neptune Necklace
Goldfish Ring



Water Location Type Amount Chance
Acidic water Anywhere Loot 1 0.79%


Merchant Stock Price Requirement
Fishing Merchant 1 1,890Ancient Coin None
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