Wildwarden Pants

Wildwarden Pants
Wildwarden Pants
Type Equipment, Pants armor
Rarity Rare
Base level 10
Effects +31 max health
+15 armor
+19% critical hit damage for your pet
Set Effects 2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped
5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects
Wildwarden Mask
Wildwarden Pauldrons
Wildwarden Pants
Wildwarden Necklace
Wildwarden Ring
Durability 95
Description Leafy legwear made from ancient wooden roots that seem to connect with the earth whenever one stands still.
Sell value 13Ancient Coin

Wildwarden Pants is a pants armor in Core Keeper.


Base level 10
+31 max health
+15 armor
+19% critical hit damage for your pet
2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped
5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects
Wildwarden Mask
Wildwarden Pauldrons
Wildwarden Pants
Wildwarden Necklace
Wildwarden Ring
Max level 19
+59 max health
+29 armor
+31% critical hit damage for your pet
2 set: +15% health when a pet is equipped
5 set: +10% effectiveness of your pets talent effects
Wildwarden Mask
Wildwarden Pauldrons
Wildwarden Pants
Wildwarden Necklace
Wildwarden Ring



Water Location Type Amount Chance
Seawater Anywhere Loot 1 1.07%


Scene Container
SMSeaCampIsland3 Mannequin


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Coral Wood Random loot 1 1 0.32% 0.32%
DiggingSpotSea Random loot 1 1 10.81% 10.81%
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