White Glass Ring

White Glass Ring
White Glass Ring
Type Equipment, Ring
Rarity Common
Base level 11
Effects +36 max health
+10% dodge chance
Description This ring is made from a milky, translucent material. The light it reflects makes it harder for enemies to hit you.
Sell value 51Ancient Coin

White Glass Ring is a ring accessory in Core Keeper.


Base level 11

+36 max health
+10% dodge chance

Max level 19

+62 max health
+15% dodge chance



Scene Container
CityStore Ancient Chest
CityHall Titan's Chest
CitySewers Ancient Chest
SMCityArchive Ancient Chest
SMLoneCityIsland Ancient Chest
SMBrokenCityIsle Ancient Chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Large Metropolis Crate Random loot 1 2-3 0.53% 1.33%
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