Sentry Helm

Sentry Helm
Sentry Helm
Type Equipment, Helm
Rarity Epic
Base level 14
Effects +36 max health
+19 armor
+7% reduced damage taken from bosses
Set Effects 2 set: +20% damage against bosses
Sentry Helm
Stone Chestplate
Stone Pants
Durability 90
Description The detached head of a core sentry. Wearing it feels incredibly clunky and heavy but it makes up for it with great protection.
Sell value 237Ancient Coin

Sentry Helm is a helm armor in Core Keeper.


Base level 14
+36 max health
+19 armor
+7% reduced damage taken from bosses
2 set: +20% damage against bosses
Sentry Helm
Stone Chestplate
Stone Pants
Max level 19
+48 max health
+26 armor
+8% reduced damage taken from bosses
2 set: +20% damage against bosses
Sentry Helm
Stone Chestplate
Stone Pants



Scene Container
CityStore Ancient Chest
SMLoneCityIsland Ancient Chest
CitySewers Ancient Chest
SMCityArchive Ancient Chest
SMBrokenCityIsle Ancient Chest
CityHall Titan's Chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Core Sentry Random loot 1 1 0.11% 0.11%
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