Farmer's Hat

Farmer's Hat
Farmer's Hat
Type Equipment, Helm
Rarity Uncommon
Base level 9
Effects +20 max health
+7% more healing from health over time regeneration
+10.1% larger harvests
Durability 90
Description Tuck a straw in your mouth and get ready for a whole day of relaxing on the porch.
Sell value 16Ancient Coin

Farmer's Hat is a helm armor in Core Keeper which can boost farming.


Base level 9

+20 max health
+7% more healing from health over time regeneration
+10.1% larger harvests

Max level 19

+43 max health
+13% more healing from health over time regeneration
+20.8% larger harvests



Scene Container
MelodyMuralSceneStone2 Ancient Chest
SMNatureOasis Chest
MelodyMuralSceneStone Iron Chest
SMMeadowBloatOatIsle Stone Pedestal

Locked chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Caveling Gardener Random loot 1 1 1.21% 1.21%
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