Tome of the Dark

Tome of the Dark
Tome of the Dark
Type Equipment, Magic weapon
Rarity Common
Base level 2
Mana cost 30
Attack 1 attacks per second
Effects Use: Summons a ranged bat minion.
33-39 range damage
Minion lifespan: 30 sec
Durability 100
Description More of a pamphlet, beginners guide to shadowmancy.
Sell value 15Ancient Coin

Tome of the Dark is a magic weapon in Core Keeper.


Base level 2
Mana cost: 30
1 attacks per second
Use: Summons a ranged bat minion.
33-39 range damage
Minion lifespan: 30 sec
Max level 19
Mana cost: 72
1 attacks per second
Use: Summons a ranged bat minion.
79-95 range damage
Minion lifespan: 30 sec



Scene Container
ClayHiddenChest Chest
SmallIslands Chest

Locked chest


Object Type Amount Rolls Chance
(per roll)
(at least 1)
Wooden Crate Random loot 1 1-2 1.7% 2.55%
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